B.Com Business Economics Notes PDF Download 2023- For 1st Year Students

B.com 1st year Economics Notes: B.Com 1st Year के student है, और आपको बिजनेस इकोनॉमिक्स बुक को Search कर रहे है, मगर आपको बुक पीडीएफ में मिल नही रही,तो दोस्तो मैं आपकी इस परेशानी को आज दूर करने आ गया हु, आज के इस article में हम जानेंगे की Bcom Business Economics Book Pdf में कैसे download करे, पूरी जानकारी इस Article में मिलेगी।।

B.Com Business Economics Books Details 

मैं आपको बता दू की B.com प्रथम वर्ष में Economics के पेपर होते हैं, सेमेस्टर 1 में बिजनेस इकोनॉमिक्स 1 और सेमेस्टर में बिजनेस इकोनॉमिक्स 2 होते हैं। अगर आपको ये नोट्स पीडीएफ में चाहिए तो नीचे दी गई बटन पर click करके download कर सकते है।।

Business Economics Notes PDF Download

B.com Economics Notes Pdf Download– 1st year (Semester 1 & 2)

अगर आप बीकॉम की Business Economics Book को Pdf में download करना चाहते है,तो दिए गए Download के बटन पर click करके आसानी से बुक डाउनलोड करें।।

B.Com Business Economics Books – 1st year
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Business Economics Syllabus for B.Com 1st Year 2023

B.com Economics का Syllabus मै आपके साथ शेयर कर रहा हु, आप इसे एक बार जरूर से Read कीजिए।

  • unit-1: Introduction of Economics, Nature, and Scope of Business Economics
  • unit-2: Demand, supply and market equilibrium, Theory of Consumption
  • unit-3: Theory of Production and costs,
  • unit-4: Market structure and factors of production,
  • unit-5: National income, trade cycles, and international trade

Unit – I Nature and Scope of Business Economics.

A) Business economics meaning, Scope, and objectives of Business economics, Nature and types of business decisions, Role and responsibilities of a business economist, Role and social responsibility of business & business economist, Microeconomics and macroeconomics definition, scope, Merits, and Demerits.

B) Theory of Consumption.

1. Law of demand, Demand determinants, Changes in Demand, Exceptions to the law of demand Geffen‘s paradox. Law of Equi-marginal utility, Assumptions Limitations, Importance criticism of cardinal approach.

2. Indifference Curve – Concept, definition, Definition, Properties, Importance of indifference curve.

3. The elasticity of demand – Concept, kinds, definition Measurement of elasticity of demand, factors influencing the elasticity of demand, Importance of elasticity of demand.

4. Demand forecasting: Meaning, Need, Importance, Methods of demand forecasting.

Unit – II Theory of Production and Cost

1. Production Function – Concept Definition, Types of products, Total Production, Average Production, Marginal production, Law of variable proportions, Assumptions, Limitations and Significance.

2. Isoquant curves, Definition, General properties of isoquant curves, Expansion path internal and external economic and diseconomies of scale, Ridge line.

3. Theories of population, – Malthusian theory of population, Optimum theory of population, Demographic Transition Theory of population and criticism.

Unit – III Theory of cost and Revenue and Markets

1. Law of supply & Criticism influencing factors of supply.

2. The concept of cost – Accounting Cost, Economic Cost, Opportunities Cost, Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, Direct and Indirect Cost, Real Cost, Explicit, Implicit Cost, Money Cost, Total Cost, Average Cost, Marginal Cost, Selling Costs.

3. Revenues – Total Revenues, Average Revenues, Marginal Revenues and Relationship, and Time Element.

4. Market – Concept, meaning, Definition, Classification of market structures, Type Firm, Industry, Meaning, objectives, the difference between Industry and firm.

Unit IV:- Pricing of Products.

1) Perfect Competition definition, properties Price determination under perfect competition.

2) Monopoly -Definition, Properties, Types, Price determination under Monopoly

3) Monopolistic competition, meaning, concepts, properties and Price determination under Monopolistic competition.

4) Price and output under oligopoly – indeterminate pricing and output price leadership, collusive oligopoly, Kinked demand curve.

5) Price discrimination – Meaning, Types, Conditions under which it is possible and profitable, importance, Concept of Dumping.

Unit V – Theories of Distribution

1) Modern Theory of Distribution of Rent.

2) Theory of rent – Ricardian theory of Rent, Modern theory of Rent, Criticism, the concept of Quasi Rent.

3) Theory of interest – Loanable Funds Theory of Interest, Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest, Criticism, Concept of gross interest net interest.

4) Theories of Profit – Uncertainty Bearing Theory of Profit, Dynamic Theory of Profit, Innovation theory of Profit, Criticism, Gross Profit, Normal Profit, Abnormal profit.

5) Theory of Wages – Nominal wages, real wages, Exploitation of labor, Marginal productivity theory of wages.

Best Business Economics For B.com 1st year Students 2023

अगर आप Business Economics की best book को Buy करना चाहते है, तो नीचे मैने कुछ Books आप सभी के साथ Share की है, आप इन books को देख सकते है।

  • Aryasri and Murthy: Business Economics, Tata Mcgraw Hill
  • Deepashree: General Economics, Tata Mcgrawhill
  • HL Ahuja Business Economics, S.Chand
  • KPM Sundaram: Micro Economics
  • Mankiw: Principles of Economics, Cengage
  • Mithani: Fundamentals of Business Economics, Himalaya

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आज के इस पोस्ट मे मैंने आपको बताया कि B.Com Business Economics Notes PDF Download 2023– For 1st & 2nd Year Students  पूरी जानकारी हिन्दी मे जाने

business economics notes pdf download से सम्बंधित अगर आपको कोई भी Problem हो तो आप मुझे मेल कर सकते है। मैं जल्दी ही आपकी परेशानी को दूर करने की पूरी कोशिश करुगा।

मैं उम्मीद करता हु की ये आर्टिक्ल आपको  पसंद आया होगा, अगर आपको ये आर्टिक्ल पसंद आया तो इसको सोश्ल मीडिया पर अपने दोस्तो के साथ जरूर से शेयर कीजिए, जिससे उनको भी ये जानकारी प्राप्त हो सके।

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